Architecture and evolution of regulatory DNA
Moreyra NN, Almeida FC, Allan C, Frankel N, Matzkin LM, Hasson E. Phylogenomics provides insights into the evolution of cactophily and host plant shifts in Drosophila. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution (2023)178:107653.
Preger-Ben Noon E, Frankel N. Can changes in 3D genome architecture create new regulatory landscapes that contribute to phenotypic evolution? Essays in Biochemistry (2022) 66(6):745-752.
Laiker I, Frankel N. Pleiotropic enhancers are ubiquitous regulatory elements in the human genome. Genome Biology and Evolution (2022) 14(6), evac071.
Kittelmann S, Preger-Ben Noon E, McGregor AP, Frankel N. A complex gene regulatory architecture underlies the development and evolution of cuticle morphology in Drosophila. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development (2021) 69:21-27.
Soverna AF, Rodriguez NC, Korgaonkar A, Hasson E, Stern DL, Frankel N. Cis-regulatory variation in the shavenbaby gene underlies intraspecific phenotypic variation, mirroring interspecific divergence in the same trait. Evolution (2021) 75:427-436.
Sabarís G, Laiker I, Preger-Ben Noon E, Frankel N. Actors with Multiple Roles: Pleiotropic Enhancers and the Paradigm of Enhancer Modularity. Trends in Genetics (2019) 35:423‐433.
Kittelmann S, Buffry AD, Franke FA, Almudi I, Yoth M, Sabaris G, Couso JP, Nunes MDS, Frankel N, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Pueyo-Marques J, Arif S, McGregor AP. Gene regulatory network architecture in different developmental contexts influences the genetic basis of morphological evolution. PLoS Genetics (2018) 14:e1007375.
Preger-Ben Noon E*, Sabarís G*, Ortiz DM, Sager J, Liebowitz A, Stern DL, Frankel N. Comprehensive Analysis of a cis-Regulatory Region Reveals Pleiotropy in Enhancer Function. Cell Reports (2018) 22:3021-3031.
Stern DL, Crocker J, Ding Y, Frankel N, Kappes G, Kim E, Kuzmickas R, Lemire A, Mast JD, Picard S. Genetic and Transgenic Reagents for Drosophila simulans, D. mauritiana, D. yakuba, D. santomea, and D. virilis. G3 (2017) 7:1339-1347.
Colines B, Rodríguez NC, Hasson ER, Carreira V, Frankel N. Parental age influences developmental stability of the progeny in Drosophila. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2015) 282. pii: 20142437.
Preger-Ben Noon E, Frankel N. Evolving genital structures: a deep look at network co-option. Developmental Cell (2015). 34:485-6
Crocker J, Abe N, Rinaldi L, McGregor AP, Frankel N, Wang S, Alsawadi A, Valenti P, Plaza S, Payre F, Mann RS, Stern DL. Low affinity binding site clusters confer hox specificity and regulatory robustness. Cell (2015)160:191-203.
Stern DL, Frankel N. The structure and evolution of cis-regulatory regions: the shavenbaby story. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2013) 368:20130028.
Domínguez PG, Frankel N, Mazuch J, Balbo I, Iusem N, Fernie AR, Carrari F. ASR1 mediates glucose-hormone crosstalk by affecting sugar trafficking in tobacco plants. Plant Physiology (2013) 161:1486-500.
Frankel N, Wang S, Stern DL. Conserved regulatory architecture underlies parallel genetic changes and convergent phenotypic evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) (2012) 109(51):20975-9.
Frankel N. Multiple layers of complexity in cis-regulatory regions of developmental genes. Developmental Dynamics (2012) 241:1857-66.
Frankel N*, Erezyilmaz DF*, McGregor AP, Wang S, Payre F, Stern DL. Morphological evolution caused by many subtle-effect substitutions in a transcriptional enhancer. Nature (2011) 474:598–603.
Frankel N, Davis GK, Vargas D, Wang S, Payre F, Stern DL. Phenotypic robustness conferred by apparently redundant transcriptional enhancers. Nature (2010) 466:490-493.
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Lic. Ignacio Mayansky
PhD student

Lic. Ignacio Mayansky
PhD student

Lic. Ian Laiker
PhD student

Lic. Martin Saraceno
PhD student

Lic. Martin Saraceno
PhD student
- Phone:+549 (11) 2546-6589

Lic. Nicolas Portnoy
PhD student

Lic. Nicolas Portnoy
PhD student
- Phone:+549 (11) 2546-6589

Ailen Altamirano

Ailen Altamirano
- Phone:+549 (11) 2546-6589

Carolina Lucero

Carolina Lucero
- Phone:+549 (11) 2546-6589
Dr. Gonzalo Sabarís
Dr. Daniela Ortiz