Publicaciones 2014

-Arenas, A. and Farina, W.M. (2014): Bias to pollen odors is affected by early exposure and foraging experience. Journal of Insect Physiology 66, 28–36.

-Herbert L.T, Vázquez D.E, Arenas A. Farina W.M. (2014): Effects of field-realistic doses of glyphosate on honeybee appetitive behavior. The Journal of Experimental Biology, doi: 10.1242/jeb.109520.

Publicaciones 2013

-Arenas, A., Ramírez, G., Balbuena, M. S. and Farina, W. M. (2013): Behavioral and neural plasticity caused by early social experiences: the case of the honeybee. Frontiers in Physiology. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00041.

-Diaz, P., Arenas*, A., Fernandez, V., Susic Martin, C., Basilio, A., Farina, W. M., (2013): Honeybee cognitive ecology in a fluctuating agricultural setting of apple and pear trees. Behavioral Ecology, doi:10.1093/beheco/art026 (*First co-author).

Publicaciones 2012

-Balbuena M. S., Arenas, A., and Farina, W.M. (2012): Floral scents learned inside the honeybee hive have a long-lasting effect on Recruitment. Animal Behaviour 84, 77-83.

-Arenas, A., and Farina, W.M. (2012): Honeybee pollen collecting: learned floral cues affect foraging preferences. Animal Behavior 83, 1023-1033.

-Farina, W. M., Grüter, C. and Arenas, A. (2012): “Olfactory information transfer during recruitment in honeybees,” in Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior: A Tribute to Randolf Menzel, eds C. G. Galizia, D. Eisenhardt, and M. Giurfa (Dordrecht; Heidelberg; London; New York: Springer), 89–102. -Arenas, A., Giurfa, M., Sandoz, J. C., Hourcade, B., Devaud, J. M. and Farina, W. M. (2012): Early olfactory experience induces structural changes in the primary olfactory center of an insect brain. European Journal of Neuroscience 35, 682–690.

Publicaciones 2009

-Arenas, A., Giurfa, M., Farina, W. M. and Sandoz, J. C. (2009): Early appetitive experiences enhance long-term memory retention in young bee. European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (8), 1498-1508.

-Arenas, A., Fernández, V. M. and Farina W. M. (2009): Associative learning during early adulthood enhances later memory retention in honeybees. PLoS One 4 (12): e8046.

-Fernández, V. M., Arenas, A. and Farina, W. M. (2009): Volatile exposure within the honeybee hive and its effect on olfactory discrimination. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195 (8), 759-768.

Publicaciones 2007/2008

-Grüter, C., Arenas*, A. and Farina, W. M. (2008): Does pollen function as a reward for honeybees in associative learning? Insectes Sociaux 55, 425-427 (*First co-author).

-Arenas, A. Fernandez, V. M. and Farina, W. M. (2008): Floral scents experienced within the colony affect long-term foraging preferences in honeybees. Apidologie 39, 714–722.

-Arenas, A. and Farina, W. M. (2008): Age and rearing environment interact in the retention of early olfactory memories in honeybees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194, 629-640.

-Arenas, A., Fernández V. M. and, Farina, W. M. (2007): Floral odor learning within the hive affects honeybees’ foraging decisions. Naturwissenschaften 94, 218-222.

Medios Radiales

-El zorro y el erizo, Radio Nacional

-Radio UBA

-Radio Bit Box

-Radio LU2 Bahía Blanca

-Argentina Investiga, Radio Universidad de Mar del Plata

-Radio Chajarí

-Colonia Agropecuaria, Radio Colonia

-Animales de 10, Radio 10