Ultimas publicaciones

Rossi N, Pereyra M, Moauro MA, Giurfa M, d’Ettorre P, Josens R (2020) Trail pheromone
modulates subjective reward evaluation in Argentine ants. The Journal of Experimental Biology

Josens R, Lopez MA, Jofre N, Giurfa M (2018) Individual size as determinant of sugar
responsiveness in ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 162.

Josens R, Sola FJ, Lois-Milevicich J, Mackay W (2017) Urban ants of the city of Buenos Aires,
Argentina: Species Survey and Practical Control. International Journal of Pest Management. 63(3):
213-223. DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2016.1239035

Blight O, Josens R, Bertelsmeier C, Abril S, Boulay R, Cerda X (2017) Differences in behavioural
traits among native and introduced colonies of an invasive ant. Biological Invasions 19:1389–1398.
DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1353-5

Josens R, Mattiacci A, Lois-Milevicich M, Giacometti A (2016) Food Information acquired socially
overrides individual food assessment in ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70(12): 2127-DOI: 10.1007/s00265-016-2216-x

En los Medios…

New York Times: Aromatherapy in the apiary is what the bees need., 21/9/2020;

The Times: Bees can be trained to sniff out flowers, 18/9/2020;

New Scientist: Training bees to prefer certain flower scents boosts seed production, 17/9/20;

EurekAlert!: Scientists “scent train” honeybees to boost sunflowers’ seed production, 17/9/2020;

Publicaciones 2020

Farina WM, Arenas A, Diaz PC, Susic Martin C, Estravis Barcala MC. (2020). Learning of a mimic
odor within honey bee hives improves pollination service efficiency in a commercial crop. Current
Biology, 30, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.018

Balbuena MS, Farina WM (2020). Chemosensory reception in the stingless bee Tetragonisca
angustula, Journal of Insect Physiology, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2020.104076

Vázquez DE, Balbuena MS, Chaves F, Gora J, Menzel R Farina WM (2020). Sleep in honey bees is
affected by the herbicide glyphosate. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 1-8.

Vázquez D, Farina WM (2020). Differences in pre-imaginal development of the honey bee Apis
mellifera between in vitro and in-hive contexts. Apidologie. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-020-

Vázquez D, Latorre-Estivalis JM, Ons S, Farina WM (2020). Chronic exposure to glyphosate induces
transcriptional changes in honey bee larva: a toxicogenomic study. Environmental Pollution,
261, 114148 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114148


Publicaciones Relevantes

T.E. Sachella, M.R. Ihidoype, C. Proulx, J.H. Medina, P. Mendez, J. Piriz. Independence of Cued and Contextual Components of Fear Conditioning is Gated by the Lateral Habenula (2020). bioRxiv; 2020.07.12.197319 (Under evaluation in elife).

NI. Bertone-Cueto, J. Makarova, A. Mosqueira, D. Garcia-Violini, R. Sanchez-Peña, O. Herreras, MA. Belluscio, J. Piriz (2020). Volume conducted origin of the Field Potential at the Lateral Habenula. Frontiers in Syst. Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2019.00078.

S. Shabel, C. Proulx, J. Piriz, R. Malinow (2014). GABA/glutamate co-release controls habenula output and is modified by antidepressant treatment. Science 345(6203):1494-8.

M. Tomaiuolo, MC. Gonzalez, JH. Medina, J. Piriz. Lateral Habenula determines long-term storage of aversive memories (2014). Front. Behav. Neurosci., 8(May), 170.

B. Li *, J. Piriz *, M. Mirrione *, C. Chung * (* equal contributors), C. Proulx, D. Schulz, F. Henn, R. Malinow (2011). “Synaptic potentiation onto habenula neurons in learned helplessness model of depression”. Nature; 470(7335):535-9.


Previous grants

Optogenetic Dissection of Brain Circuits that Determine Temporal Stability of Aversive Memories.
Type of Grant: type ID PICT (2015-2609).
Funding Institution: National Agency for Promotion of Science and Technology, Argentina (ANPCyT).
Role: PI.
Period: 2016-2017.

Synaptic plasticity at the Globus Pallidus-Lateral Habenula synapses in depressive disorders.
Type of Grant: Young Investigator Award.
Funding Institution: Brain & Behavior Young Research Foundation (formerly NARSAD).
Role: PI.
Period: 2016-2018.

Lateral Habenula as a Gateway for Memory Persistence.
Type of Grant: International Research Collaboration, CONICET-NIH.
Funding Institution: CONICET.
Role: PI.
Period: 2014-2016.

Electrophysiological Basis of Circadian Activity in the Lateral Habenula and its Relationship to Memory Persistence.
Type of Grant: type IB PICT (2012-1931).
Funding Institution: ANPCyT.
Role: PI.


Active grants

Independent optical excitation of the overlapping neural population in behaving animals.
Type of Grant: Brain Initiative (Grant no. R273-2017-1793).
Funding Institution: Lundbeck Foundation.
Role: Member.
Period: 2019-2021.

Synaptic plasticity at GABA-glutamate co-releasing synapses in the Pallidal-Habenular pathway.
Type of Grant: type IA PICT (2017-4594).
Funding Institution: National Agency for Promotion of Science and Technology, Argentina (ANPCyT).
Role: PI.
Period: 2019-2021.

Control of neuronal activity in closed-loop by optogenetics
Type of Grant: type IA PICT (2017-2417).
Funding Institution: National Agency for Promotion of Science and Technology, Argentina (ANPCyT).
Role: Member.
Period: 2019-2021.


Seminario Interno IFIBYNE

Dentro del ciclo de Actividades virtuales IFIBYNE 2020, el viernes 25 de
septiembre a las 14:00 realizaremos la tercera presentación de la serie
de ”Seminarios Internos de jefes y jefas de grupo”.

En esta oportunidad el orador sera Joaquin Piriz quien hablara sobre “La Habenula
Lateral, el núcleo cerebral de la decepción”

La presentación se realizara en forma virtual solo para miembros del